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Theatre forum on racism

Vide EN-min.png

Victims or witnesses of racism often want to (re)act to change the situation, but lack the tools to do so, or find themselves at a loss when faced with the complexity of certain situations. 

The aim of our project is to provide a space where anyone can bring their own experience in order to test different reactions in practice and develop tools that they can then apply in dealing with various forms of racism.

Theatre forum is interactive, so theatre forum rehearsals must be interactive too!


IIf you want to join us to see our Theatre forum on racism in action or participate in our workshops or open rehearsals, feel free to consult our agenda.

Ces organisations nous font confiance :

Logo SLR.png
logo ville de geneve positif.jpg
Logo amnesty international.png

D’autres logos sont à venir.

Logo Nouveau Nous_F.jpg

Période de soutien : 2024-2027

Soutenu par le crédit de la Confédération destiné à l'intégration

White Specta(c)tor Logo

Genève, Suisse

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